Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stand back! I'm doing SCIENCE!

 These pictures are pulled from the page of "I fucking love science" on Facebook. I'm sure they exist elsewhere on the webs as well.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

General thunkin'

An interesting question was posed to me today; if something exists but nothing is around to witness it, does it really exist? I suppose it goes along the lines of "if a tree falls in a forest..." This lead to a conversation about external validation, and honestly, I'm not sure I have a properly formed opinion. Perhaps because this discussion almost inevitably leads to a posturing of if we, or the universe as a whole, really exist.

Recently I've been reading The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking, and I've been hearing and watching quite a bit of educational information about the possibilities that surround parallel universes, or more succinctly, a multiverse. I'm not sure I can articulate why, but there is something comforting to me to consider the theory that an infinite amount of "universes" parallel to ours exist, and every possibility of every outcome of every decision is playing out in another universe. For example, today I took a nap. In another universe, I didn't, and maybe did something productive with that time instead. In yet another universe, I didn't even come home from work, but drove to Albuquerque instead.

So, somewhere, I never made the bad decisions that I've made throughout my life. And elsewhere, I've made far worse decisions. And there's another place where the Earth exploded like fifteen years ago and no one exists anymore.

Heavy cosmic questions aside, I will be attending the Denver Comic Con next weekend. Some of the guests I was really excited to see have already bailed, but I'm sure I will enjoy myself nonetheless. I'm really hoping that the nerd/geek community at large will begin visiting Denver more often and perhaps our Comic Con will become legendary and major things will be revealed at the panels etc, etc. 'Cause I'm poor and it's a lot easier to hope for that than to make a pilgrimage to San Diego.

Plus, I think it's a fairly well known fact that every considers the big event towns to be LA, New York, Toronto, Austin, etc, but we Coloradoans know all the awesome things to be discovered here if people would get off their asses and give us a try. The clean air, amazing views, and all the things to do. Plus, the quality of our beer and water far surpasses any other. I just really like living here.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Return of the Jedi-King-Killer Tomatoes

So as I was perusing my facebook page today a friend of mine had posted a new blog entry she had written, and I thought to myself, "I wish I could keep up with a blog." Then I remembered... I already have a blog. That I haven't posted to in over a year. So I guess I'm back, though I don't particularly have anything more interesting to write than the things I was writing before.

So, as my returning post, I shall briefly recap the last year:

  • Job continues to screw me over.
  • Mom moved to Ireland.
  • Brother getting married in 2 weeks.
  • Got a new (old) car.
  • Roommate moved out, subsequently stopped speaking to me.
  • Decided to move to Fort Collins (have yet to execute).
  • Started dating someone new.
  • Went to Toronto, Canada and Chicago, Illinois in a two week road trip.
  • Will be going to Europe for three weeks in July.
  • In the process of launching a web comic (stay tuned for updates).